Paylaş | 05 July 2023
On the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Mr. Zühtü Arslan, President of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Türkiye, attended the International Conference “Progression of Legislation through Application of Constitutional Norms” held in Baku on 3-6 July 2023.
President Arslan was accompanied by Mr. Orhan Yalınız, Private Secretary to the President, and Mr. Yakup Macit, Rapporteur-Judge of the Constitutional Court.
At the Conference, President Arslan delivered a speech entitled “Individual Application to the Constitutional Court of Türkiye: Recent Developments”. In his speech, President Arslan pointed out that individual application is an effective means of protecting constitutional rights and freedoms in Türkiye and that the introduction of the individual application system has radically changed the legal landscape of Türkiye. President Arslan noted that thanks to the individual application system, the Court has abandoned its entrenched ideological or state-based paradigm and instead embraced a rights-based legal paradigm.
Continuing his speech, President Arslan stated that the Court, with its rights-based approach, has delivered numerous judgments finding a violation, resolving the legal problems of various segments of society, and emphasised that the individual application mechanism is one of the greatest achievements of the legal system in Türkiye.
Click for the full text of the speech delivered by President Zühtü Arslan.