Individual Application

Process and Types of Judgments

Following the completion of registration, numbering, scanning of applications and procedures required to complete applications, if any, by the Individual Application Office, applications are referred to the Office of Commission Reporter Judges. However, if there is a lapse of time or the application is not completed in due time despite the related notification, administrative rejection decision is drafted and submitted to the Chief Reporter of Commissions for signature.

If administrative rejection decision is objected, the Commissions initially decide on the approval or rejection of this objection. Decision of strike-out is one of the decisions that can be given by commissions. Additionally, Commissions give admissibility and inadmissibility decisions for applications with the consideration of principles established by Sections.

For the applications transferred to Sections upon decision of Commissions, Sections may give two types of decisions on whether or not a fundamental right was violated. Additionally, when Sections decide violation of a right, it may also rule for compensation upon request of the applicant. If violation and its consequences cannot be redressed only with compensation, a decision can be given to send the file to the related court for retrial.

On the other hand, Sections may decide on the admissibility of an application or may give a decision of strike-out if the requirements are fulfilled.